Christopher Price M.D.
Helping to Build a Healthy Community
About Christopher Price MD
Dr. Price has been a private practice physician for the past twenty years. He is now planning to change his practice to better provide for his patients.
Residency in FP--U.C. Davis
Medical School--U.C. San Francsico
Undergraduate--U.C. Davis

The Concierge Concept
Our new program is set up to provide you longer and more in-depth visits with Dr. Price. We will be seeing fewer patients which will allow us to get you into the office quickly and to spend more time with the doctor. It will also allow us to expedite referrrals quickly to our specialists.
Our services include but are not limited to in office surgeries, EKG's, physicals and more.
It's like a gym membership; you either pay your yearly membership in full ($2,400), or you may choose the monthly payment program ($225). Both require a 3-month minimum commitment. After the 3-month requirement is up, you are only obligated to a 30 day notice if you no longer wish to participate. We will not bill your insurance for any visits performed in office and there will be no more copay's collected.
Your insurance will only be needed for outside services such as lab work, pathologies, radiological procedures, specialists, and vaccinations. These services will be billed by the performing facility as usual.
If you choose the monthly payment program, we must have a credit card on file and there is a nominal fee per month to cover credit card charges.
How To Join
Either through this website or from a staff member at the office, once we have your name and intent to join, we will send you a contract to sign.
Best way to do this would be to call the office at"

How I Can Help You?

Sign up with Dr. Price's new Concierge service
Change to another physician
Patients with PPO and Medicare Insurance:
We are pleased to accept PPO and Medicare insurance plans.
Patients with HMO insurance:
We would love for you to stay and experience the new and improved way we provide your medical care. However, please note that our program doesn't work well with HMOs as they don't allow us to refer. Thus, we accept only PPO and Medicare insurance. It would be optimal for you to switch to a PPO at open enrollment. Most people choose a higher deductible and lower monthly premium since we offer so much in-house and will not be billing your insurance for our services. If you can't change from an HMO to a PPO and still want to stay with the practice, you can discuss with your new assigned PCP that you have a concierge physician and would like him/her to work with us when ordering outside services.
Patients with HMO insurance who do NOT want to stay with us: We regret that we will be unable to continue providing care for you. Please contact your insurance company for assistance in selecting a new primary care physician. Your new physician can then request your medical records from us.
At this time we are forming a list of patients that wish to stay on a first come first serve basis.
Questions and Answers
Will there be a family rate?
Yes. For couples it will be $2,100/ adult and for couples (total $4,200). Dependent children it will be $960 per child.
Should I continue to have medical insurance?
Most definitely. This is how you will get other things covered such as labs, radiology, specialty and hospital care.
If I am seen several times in the same month, will there be an extra cost?
No. The fee covers visits and phone calls with Dr. Price along with home visits when needed (something Dr. Price particularly likes to do).
Get in Touch
Monday -Friday 9 am to 4 pm
Closed: Saturday & Sunday
Dr. Price does home visits typically on Tues and Thursday afternoons
701 Howe Ave. Suite H50,
Sacramento, CA 95825